Welcome to the Digital Societies 2019 conference:

2nd Academy of Sociology Conference: "Digital Societies"

Digitalization is one of the megatrends of our century and affects numerous aspects of social life. The social sciences as well as the public have just begun to study and under-stand the deep structural changes that come with digitalization. Yet, the complex mixture of opportunities and risks in many areas of social life associated with this transformation calls for a more comprehensive and thorough evaluation by the social sciences.

More information is available at –digitalsocieties2019.net

Video Recordings:

Wednesday September 25th  |  14:00-14:30
Welcome Addresses
Dirk Leuffen, Vice Rector University of Konstanz
Ulrik Brandes, ETH Zurich
Thomas Hinz, Academy of Sociology

Wednesday September 25th  |  15:00-15:30
"Sociological Research in the Digital Age: Analytical and Methodological Challenges and Opportunities"
Sophie Mützel, University of Lucerne (CH)

Wednesday September 25th  |  16:00-16:30
"Trust, Trade, and Technology. Theory and Research on Trust Relations in the Digital World"
Andreas Diekmann, ETH Zurich (CH) and University of Leipzig (DE)

Wednesday September 25th  |  16:00-16:30
Dissertation Award Ceremony: "Residential Barriers and Bridges to the Social Integration of Young Immigrants in Germany"
Hanno Kruse, University of Cologne (DE)  Awardee

Thursday, September 26th  |  18:15-19:15
"Presentation Open Science Initiative"
Thomas Hinz, Katrin Auspurg, Josef Brüderl, Jan Höffler, Daniel Grunow

Friday, September 27th  |  13:15-13:45
"Sensing Human Behavior with Online Data"
Suzy Moat, University of Warwick (UK)

Friday, September 27th  |  13:45-14:15
"Using Digital Trace Data for Demographic Research"
Emilio Zagheni, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (DE) and University of Washington, Seattle (US)

Friday, September 27th  |  14:15-14:45
"Digital Society and Sustainability Transition - Grand Challenges for the Social Sciences"
Dirk Helbing, ETH Zurich (CH)