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After Postcolonialism - Similarities in an Entangled World

The discourse of cultural studies in the past decades is in many ways a reaction to fundamental geo-political shifts. De-colonization after WWII was accompanied by a postponed loss of meaning—first for Europe, and in time for the West as a whole—of cultural and ideological centers.

The invited speakers and discussants from Africa, South America, the US, India and Europe will revisit both historical and contemporary sites and scenes of contestations between sameness and difference by focusing on the competing possibilities of similarities in various geo-political, national and transnational scenes. In continuation of the aims of the workshop on Similarities in Konstanz “Ähnlichkeit. Valenzen eines Begriffs.” (2011), the Speakers will also reflect on the implications of similarity for theories of culture.


Dr. Amir Ali
Prof. Dr. Ravi Ahuja
Prof. Dr. Anil Bhatti
Dr. Johannes Feichtinger
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Görner
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kistner
Prof. Johan Namjun Kim
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kleeberg
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Koschorke
Prof. Dr. Andreas Langenohl
José F. A. Oliver
Prof. Dr. Peter Pál Pelbart
Prof. Dr. Naoki Sakai
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schlögl
Dr. Johan Strijdom
Dr. Levent Tezcan
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wertheimer





Thursday, 4 October 2012

Rudolf Schlögl (Konstanz)


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Anil Bhatti

"Introduction" - Part 1 of 2

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Dorothee Kimmich (Tübingen)

"Introduction" - Part 2 of 2

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Andreas Langenohl (Gießen)

"Key Note: Tracing Scenes of Voting - A Place for Similarities?"

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Friday, 5 October 2012

Albrecht Koschorke (Konstanz)


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Naoki Sakai (Cornell University)

"The Locale of Comparison and Transnationality: Towards Comparative Humanities"

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Albrecht Koschorke & Naoki Sakai


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Rüdiger Görner (London)

"Das Differente im Ähnlichen. Zu einem Modus ästhetischen Vergleichens"

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Ulrike Kistner (Pretoria)

"Work of Similarities - Work on Similarities"

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Rüdiger Görner & Ulrike Kistner


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John Namjun Kim (University of California)


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Johannes Feichtinger (Wien)

"Das Ähnliche und das Differente. Zentraleuropa und seine Identitätswissenschaften als Paradigma"

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John Namjun Kim & Johannes Feichtinger


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Ravi Ahuja (Göttingen)

"The Similar Yields Divergence: Global Notions of 'Social Welfare' and the Making of 'Informality' in Twentieth-Century India"

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Aleida Assman (Konstanz)

"Open Discussion"

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Saturday, 6 October 2012

Amir Ali (Neu Delhi)

"The Urban Blight of the Ghetto and the Plight of the Resident: Difference, Multiculturalism and Similarities"

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Bernhard Kleeberg (Konstanz)


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Peter Pál Pelbart (São Paulo)

"De La Folie Européene à l'Antropophagie Amérindienne: Déplacements dans l'Image de la Pensée"

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Bernhard Kleeberg & Peter Pál Pelbart


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Johan Strijdom (University of South Africa)

" 'Similarity' as Critical Concept in the Comparative Study of Religions"

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Johan Strijdom & Levent Tezcan


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Uwe Wirth

"Final Discussion"

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