ISBOC-11: Opening Ceremony and Keynote Talk by Nobel Laureate Aaron Ciechanover
Datum: 27.09.2017Opening Ceremony and Keynote Talk by Nobel Laureate Aaron Ciechanover
"The Ubiquitin Proteolytic System - From Basic Mechanisms thru Human Diseases and on to Drug Development"
The international conference ISBOC-11, the IUPAC's International Symposium on Bioorganic Chemistry jointly conducted with the Konstanz Symposium Chemical Biology was held at the University of Konstanz, Germany, from 27-29 September 2017.
Although merged to one both conferences have their own tradition: The ISBOC series of meetings was inaugurated in 1986 in New York by Ronald Breslow and has moved around the world at approximately three year intervals. ISBOC symposia have been held in places like Biarritz (France), Pune (India), Sheffield (England), Toronto (Canada), Beijing (China) and Torino (Italy). ISBOC-11 hosted by the University of Konstanz was the first meeting in Germany. The Konstanz Symposium Chemical Biology was inaugurated by the Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology in 2010 with the aim to bring young scientists into contact with experts in the field of Chemical Biology. In the meantime, the symposium has become a regular event of the graduate school and has been held four times.
The present meeting aimed at enhancing the scientific communication among researchers at the interface of chemistry and biology. The programme included two keynote lectures by Nobel laureates, plenary lectures from invited speakers across the globe as well as short talks, partly by early-stage researchers, and poster presentations.
Along with the symposium, an Autumn School for graduate students was taking place. Over two days, experts in the respective fields introduced fundamental methods, techniques, and concepts. Subsequently, the participants of the Autumn School Chemical Biology joined the symposium.