
9A Special: ZUKO-Podcast – Interview with Jennifer Randerath

In this episode of the ZUKO Podcast we welcome Dr. Jennifer Randerath from the Department of Psychology as our guest. Since 2015 she has been a Research Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg and the Head of her Junior Research Group Motor-Cognition and Neurorehabilitation Lab.
The Intersectoral Cooperation Programme supports cooperation of joint research projects between the academic and non-academic sector with mutual benefits, research dissemination and public outreach initiatives. Non-academic sector meaning industrial partners, companies, social and cultural institutions, archives, public bodies or non-profit organizations.

The ZUKO podcast is a special “9B podcast” series produced by KIM Lecture Recording. New ZUKO episodes are released irregularly. Subscribe to 9B on your podcast platform and follow the 9B podcast on social media to stay up to date.

ZUKO; Psychology