Interdisciplinary Center for Interactive Data Analysis, Modelling and Visual Exploration

Datum: 02.05.2011

INCIDE is a center that provides and develops algorithms for the analysis and visualisation of highly complex scientific data repositories, i.e. efficient methods for (semi) automated data analysis, data mining, numerical simulation and parameter estimation, and for visual and interactive data exploration. INCIDE is intended to link the Graduate School Chemical Biology (Excellence Initiative, KORS-CB), the Department of Computer Science and Information Science, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Research Training Group 1042 "Explorative Analysis and Visualization of Large Information Spaces" (DFG-RTG), which works on related problems.



Dorit Merhof

Martin Horn

Thorsten Rieß

Christian Dietz

Johannes Hamecher

Michael Höhn

Roland Jungnickel

Enrico Bertini

Dr. Clemens Dirscherl

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