The Third Nomos Of The Earth - Spirit Returns to the East or What Hegel Did not (Could not?) Imagine

Datum: 24.07.2017

Vortrag: Walter D. Mignolo

Vortrag zum Abschluss des Doktorandenkollegs „Europa in der globalisierten Welt“: Thinking differently from Europe. Europe, thought differently.

According to Carl Schmitt, the Second Nomos of the Earth emerged in the sixteenth century. The Second Nomos was tantamount to the emergence of international law and global linear thinking: the Euro-centered partition of the Earth. By Euro-centered Schmitt meant Europe’s interest, that is, the emergence of a mono-polar world order.
Today, humankind is experiencing the emergence of the Third Nomos: de-westernization and the emergence of the multipolar world order. Mine is neither a social sciences analysis nor one of the humanities. It is a decolonial analysis. I will close my talk by locating decoloniality in the Third Nomos of the Earth.

Walter Mignolo received his BA in Philosophy from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina in 1969. In 1974 he obtained his Ph.D. from the École des Hautes Études, Paris. He subsequently taught at the Universities of Toulouse, Indiana, and Michigan. Since January 1993, Walter D. Mignolo has been the William H. Wannamaker Professor of Literature and Romance Studies at Duke University, USA, where he has joint appointments in Cultural Anthropology and Romance Studies. Since 2000, he has directed the Center for Global Studies and the Humanities at Duke. Mignolo co-edits the web dossier, Worlds and Knowledges Otherwise.

Mignolo’s research and teaching have been devoted, in the past 30 years, to understanding and unraveling the historical foundation of the modern/colonial world system and imaginary since 1500. In his research, modern/colonial world system and imaginary is tantamount with the historical foundation of Western Civilization and its expansion around the globe.Mignolo was awarded the Katherine Singer Kovaks prize (MLA) for The darker side of the renaissance: literacy, territoriality and colonization (1996) and the Frantz Fanon Prize by the Caribbean Philosophical Association for The Idea of Latin America (2006). His work has been translated into German, Italian, French, Swedish, Rumanian, Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, and Korean.
