Zukunftskolleg - Event Series 2020/22 - Racism in Academia
Southernising and decolonising criminology: discussions and perspectives
Máximo Sozzo
In recent years, various perspectives have emerged that installed the need to decolonize and southernize the field of criminology, generating a debate that has been gaining importance internationally, as has happened in other fields of the social sciences. In this presentation an overview of the main discussions that have been produced is outlined, trying to identify agreements and disagreements, some tentative routes for future developments and some concrete examples of significant progress in this direction.
The abolition of slavery in Spanish South America (1810-1870): interamerican dialogues and experimentations
Magdalena Candioti
The abolition of slavery in Spanish South America is one of the least studied of the Western Hemisphere and it needs to be integrated into the history of global abolition. This presentation reconstructs the anti-slavery policies adopted in contemporary Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela and presents some of the elites’ inter-South American dialogues that frame them. Secondly, it seeks to demonstrate the inseparable character between gradual abolitionist laws and a set of strategies to control emancipated persons by creating ambiguous legal status for them.
About the Speakers:
Maximo Sozzo is Professor of Sociology of Law and Criminology at the National University of Litoral (Argentina). One of his lines of research is on the theoretical debates around decolonising and southerinising criminology. He has published Southern Criminology (with K. Carrington, R. Hogg, J. Scott and R. Walters, Routledge, 2019) and The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and the Global South (with K. Carrington, R. Hogg and J. Scott, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2018). His most recent articles on this theme are: "Southern and public criminologies: Possible encounters", in Playsir, S. and Daems, T. (eds). Criminology and democratic politics. (Routledge, 2021, 59-87) and "Decolonising the criminal question" (with A. Aliverti, H. Carvalho and A. Chamberlain), Punishment and Society (23, 3, 2021). His new book that will appear in April 2002 is M. Sozzo (ed.) Prisons, inmates and governance in Latin America (Palgrave-Macmillan). He is a Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory (Frankfurt) (January-February 2022).
Magdalena Candioti is Researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) at the Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr Emilio Ravignani” and Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities and Sciences, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina. Her first book, Un maldito derecho: leyes, jueces y derecho en la Buenos Aires republicana, 1810–1830 (Buenos Aires, Didot, 2018)- was the result of her doctoral research and focused on the political history of justice in postrevolutionary Río de la Plata. Her second project reconstructs the process of abolition in Argentina crossing legal, social and cultural perspectives. She just published her second book, Una historia de la emancipación negra. Esclavitud y abolición en Argentina (Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI Editores, 2021) along with articles in international journals and book chapters (such as “Un manual para formar negros piadosos. Religión, política y raza en la Buenos Aires rosista”. which received The Best Article Award 2021 in the Nineteenth Century Section of the Association of Latin American Studies (LASA)). Her new project approaches, from a comparative perspective, the process of gradual abolition of slavery in Spanish South America. She is a Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory (Frankfurt) (January-February 2022).
Date of Recording: 2022-02.09