Collective Behaviour - Summer Seminar Series 2024
PhD Pitchwork - Short talks
Members of the CASCB Doctoral Network
After the great success of our recent PhD Pitchwork session as part of the CASCB Seminar Series, we are happy to announce an encore.
The PhD Pitchwork sessions are a fabulous new addition to our seminar format, which from now on we will schedule in once or twice per semester. Each time will feature another group of PhD candidates presenting science pitches and delighting us with exciting glimpses into the richness of doctoral projects and the truly amazing work being done by young researchers of the CASCB Doctoral Network.
The following PhDs candidates will be presenting in the upcoming session (order not set in stone):
- Stella Wienhold: The Bonding Factors in HRV Synchronization Across Species
- Sydney Hunt: Behavioral state-switching during sensory-motor decision-making in zebrafish larvae
- Paolo Leopardi: Division of Labor in Robot Swarms with Minimize Surprise
- Pranav Kedia: Swarming Sailboats: How to Survive the Uncertain Nights on a Lake
Datum: 2024-06-03