The animove courses are focused on the use of remote sensing and animal movement for conservation based on open source software entirely. The combination of animal movement and environmental information in which these movements have been recorded are essential for the field of movement ecology and have often implications for conservation and management. The volume and structure of both sources of data require knowledge on working with spatio-temporal data and the underlying pitfalls such as projections, time zones, autocorrelation etc. represent some of the challenges when working with them. In this course the programming language R will be used to do most data manipulation, visualisation and analysis. The course is centered around on-hands working on own data sets. The first week is more teaching heavy, to bring all the participants up to the same level, while the second week is focusing on working on the data sets that the participants have brought along to work with. An advanced to very advanced programming skill level in R is required from the participants.
2022-09-13 Movement Analysis & Data Management
2022-09-15 Segmentation & Resource Selection
2022-09-16 Continous Time Models
Informations: AniMove - Animal Movement and Earth Observation Training