CASCB Virtual Spring Retreat 2021


Oliver Deussen
Introduction to the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour

Kiran Dhanjal-Adams
Giving Voice to Collective Movement

Brendan Barrett
Developing theory and methods to study social learning, foraging innovation and behavior in remote island ecosystems

Urs Kalbitzer
Ecological drivers of social, foraging and movement decisions in a leaf-eating primate

Ben Koger
Using drones to study fine scale social behavior in Kenya and beyond


Alisa Auer & Lisa-Marie Walther
Stress in the Collective

Bernadette Denk
Stress and synchrony in groups

Dennis Horvath
Stress in nice mice

Hanja Brandl
Stress in the bird collective

Aneesh Bose
How is stress information transmitted through an animal collective

Anja Weidenmüller
Individual thermogenesis & collective temperature homeostasis in bumble bee colonies

Karl-Phillipp M. Flösch
Neural correlates of cooperation in social contexts

Martin Imhof
Collective Neural Measures of Health Communication

Wataru Toyokawa
Collective behavioral rescue: conformity promotes adaptive behavioral-shift in risky decision making

Helge Giese
The role of communication structure in collective decision-making

Veit Heuthe
Reinforcment learning for collective behaviour


Jana Straßheim
Individual and collective appetite

Hanna Schäfer
Human-in-the-loop analysis

Sonja Wild
Patterns and Processes of Social Learning in Parus Major

Michael Chimento
Demographic Factors and Cultural Evolution in Parus Major

Fabian Dvorak
Preferences and Incentives for Innovation

Ellen O. Aikens
The Ontology of Migration in White Storks

Edward Hurme
Continental-scale monitoring of Africa's most gregarious fruit bat


Daniel S. Calovi
Behavioral modes in juvenile zebrafish

Paul Nührenberg
Interrogating the functional meaning of behaviors using social VR environments

Thejasvi Beleyur
Ushichka: studying group echolocation in the wild

Felix Oberhauser
Understanding Locusts: Kenya Field Tip & Locust Flow Physics

Yannik Günzel
Understanding Locusts: Locust Foraging

Mariam Mahmoud, Sercan Sayin
Understanding Locusts: Locust VR


Hemal Naik, Urs Waldmann
Towards markerless tracking in the Barn

Johann Bornholdt
Machine Learning in Graph Database Systems

Eren Cakmak
Multiscale Visual Analysis of Dyamic Graph Data

Stefan Banholzer
Deep Neural Networks for Image Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

Stefano Tognazzi
Exact and Approximate Role Assignment for Multi-Layer Networks

Jacob Davidson
Environmental Uncertainty Shapes Rat Foraging Behavior in Large Scale Environments

Vivek Hari Sridhar, Hemal Naik
Spacial dynamics of mate-choice in blackbuck leks