On Becoming-Europeans as a Nomadic Political Project

Datum: 10.07.2017

Vortrag: Prof. Dr. Rosi Braidotti

Vortrag zum Abschluss des Doktorandenkollegs „Europa in der globalisierten Welt“: Thinking differently from Europe. Europe, thought differently

The project of construction of a European Union as a multicultural social democratic space is controversial to say the least. The current political context of increasing Euroskepticism coupled with growing xenophobia is compounded by the open hostility towards the EU displayed by Russia, the USA and the UK. The EU is positioned simultaneously as a major player within the global economy and as an alternative social space not deprived of progressive elements. This lecture emphasizes the progressive potential of the EU in terms of the becoming-nomadic of Europe, defined as the over-coming of nationalism. I will defend the process of ‘becoming-minoritarian’ of Europe as a way of both bypassing the binary global-local and of redefining the nationalistic notions of  European identity. I will rely on critical theory, including feminist and post-colonial scholars, who are also critiquing nationalism as a necessary step towards the construction of a nomadic European social and political space.

Die Philosophin Rosi Braidotti ist Distinguished University Professor und Direktorin des von ihr mitbegründeten Centre for the Humanities an der Universität Utrecht. Neben zahlreichen Gastprofessuren und Fellowships (Princeton, EUI Florenz, Birkbeck College London) ist sie zudem Gründungsmitglied des Network of Interdisciplinary Women’s Studies in Europe (NOISE) und des Thematic Network of Women’s Studies in Europe (ATHENA).

Rosi Braidotti forscht zu Schwerpunktthemen wie gender theory, critical theory, Poststrukturalismus, politische und feministische Theorie sowie Kontinentalphilosophie und -epistemologie. Ihr Werk setzt sich vor allem mit der Konstruktion kontemporärer Subjektivitäten auseinander. Sie entwickelt alternative Modelle von Subjektivität, welche Differenz und Diversität in den Fokus stellen.

