Gastvortrag: Prof. Dr. Jay Winter - Political Reconciliation and Civil Society in 20th-Century Europe
Datum 09.12.2010
Einführung: Prof. Dr. Aleida Assmann
Vortrag: Prof. Dr. Jay Winter
Oeffentlicher Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Konstanzer Kolloquiums zur Erinnerungsforschung. Dieser Vortrag eröffnet den von der Forschungsgruppe "Geschichte + Gedächtnis" veranstalteten Workshop zum Thema "Political Reconciliation and Civil Society in 20th-Century Europe."
With changing practices of warfare and state-sanctioned violence in 20th-century Europe came changing practices of political reconciliation. Just as total wars affected and mobilized whole societies, so did these post-war processes involve an unprecedented range of actors beyond the state. The workshop focuses on the role of civil society in political reconciliation in Europe over the course of the twentieth century. Topics include Franco-German reconciliation, the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide, overcoming conflict in Northern Ireland, the legacy of empire, historians’ commissions and practices of apology.
Dr. Clemens Dirscherl